Zone Heating: What You Need to Know

by | Nov 1, 2016 | Fireplace Store

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What is zone heating?

It’s essentially a duct system that’s more sophisticated than the average. In a system like this, every duct comes with its own motorized damper, one that’s controlled by a thermostat in the same room.

How does it work?

When you want to warm up a room, all you have to do is turn the furnace on. This opens the dampers in your system, allowing heated air to flow into the rooms. Once the desired temperature has been achieved, you can turn off the furnace, allowing the dampers to close off and cut the flow of the heated air.

What are the benefits of zone heating?

The best benefit to having a zone heating system is that it offers you better control over the temperature settings in your home, Modernize points out. Instead of installing a heating unit to take care of more than one room—which is inefficient and can result into overheating the main room while providing insufficient heated air to the rest—you count on this one to help you see to everyone’s comfort. And since you have thermostats in every room, there’s no need to keep walking into the main room if you want to make any adjustments.

It’s also more energy-efficient so you get to save on utility bills. No need to worry about high energy spending. You can easily lower your costs.

Unlike central systems, these heating systems also come with modern perks and features that can make life that much easier for you. All together, these benefits are good enough reasons to go for zone heating in your home.

There are plenty of advantages that come with buying a zoned system. So if you want bigger cost-savings and greater comfort, then look into how to get a zoned system for your home.

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