Your DWI Lawyer in Rockford, IL, Can Get Your Life Back on Track

by | Sep 12, 2023 | Lawyers

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A DWI arrest can happen to anyone. You may have had too many drinks during a business lunch, or a festive occasion may have become a little too festive. Getting caught in these situations can lead to embarrassment and legal problems that cause a variety of difficulties. A DWI lawyer in Rockford, IL, can ensure that your rights are protected during the process so the consequences of your mistake can be minimized.

The State of Illinois Has Harsh Penalties for Driving While Intoxicated

Illinois has a Zero Tolerance Law that penalizes anyone under the age of 21 who is found to be driving while intoxicated with revocation of driving privileges. In addition, Illinois imposes an Implied Consent Law that requires individuals to undergo chemical testing. Penalties for DUI in Illinois can range from a fine, revocation of driving privileges, a breath alcohol ignition interlock device on your steering wheel, or jail time,

Your DWI Lawyer Can Help Your Case in Several Ways

Your lawyer will see that evidence against you is gathered in a legally appropriate manner and that the arrest follows standard protocols. Your charges may be reduced or dropped entirely. Your attorney can help to get your sentence reduced. Finally, a lawyer can explore diversion programs that can restore a clean record.

A DWI can be a disruptive event that can jeopardize your job, your family relationships, and your life. Legal help is available to minimize the impact of the problem so you can continue your normal activities. Contact Crosby Law Firm today to discuss how a DWI lawyer in Rockford, IL, can help you get through this challenging event.

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