If you are guilty of criminal activity, you need a lawyer who is going to make sure that your rights are protected. Even though you are guilty, there is a good chance that you may be able to get the help that you need so that you don’t have to spend the maximum amount of time in jail. Before you admit your guilt to anyone, get on the phone with your defense lawyer in Chicago and find out what steps you need to be taking.
Keep in mind, if you are a repeat offender, your defense lawyer in Chicago needs to be aware of this upfront. He will still be able to help you. However, he just needs to know which way to work your case. You are most likely going to have to go to court for the things that you have done. Trust in the fact that your lawyer is going to do the majority of the talking for you. He understands what to say to the judge so that you can get out from under this situation and on with your life.
Your lawyer is not going to give up on your case no matter how difficult you may think it is. No matter what it is that you have done, he will always have some type of plan to help you. Get on the phone today and make sure that everything is in order. This way, when you walk into the courtroom with your lawyer by your side, you will have confidence that the judge is going to be forgiving and you will get a second chance.
John Fitzgerald Lyke Jr. is a lawyer who is fully aware of the laws and who knows how to help you during this stressful time. Of course, he cannot do anything to help you until he has all of the facts. Even if you are ashamed by the things that you have done, you need to be honest with your lawyer. If you do this, it is more likely that you can have a reduced sentence so that you can get on with your life.