If your finances have gotten to the point where it is impossible to pay all your bills each month, it may be time to visit with a bankruptcy lawyer. Bankruptcy is your right under the law and a chapter 13 or chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer in St. Petersburg FL can help you get started. There are different types of bankruptcy, and the right lawyer can help you decide which one is right for you. Chapter 7 is common and popular because it eliminates nearly all your debts and allows you to start all over again. The right chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer can get the process started.
Starting Over Again Is Refreshing
Thanks to the law, it is possible to start all over again so that you can improve your finances. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer in St. Petersburg FL can help you from start to finish, and the best part is that the effects are almost immediate. Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows you to keep your home, cars, and retirement accounts but wipes out most of your unsecured debt, allowing you to start again with a clean slate. If you click here, you can find out more about what a bankruptcy lawyer can do for you, allowing you to make the right decision in the end.
They Can Produce Amazing Results
A good chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer will explain everything that is going on every step of the way and can help you with all of the paperwork involved in the process. The best part is that your creditors will stop their harassing phone calls immediately, giving you the peace of mind you deserve and allowing you to move forward in reclaiming your life. A good lifestyle requires good finances, and with a chapter 7 bankruptcy, you can make that happen so that you can move forward and enjoy a debt-free existence. Click here for more information.