Why You Should Hire a Kansas City Social Security Disability Lawyer

by | Mar 18, 2020 | General

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If you’re thinking about applying for disability benefits, it’s best to hire a Social Security disability attorney to help you. The attorney is more familiar with the entire disability process and can better help you win your case. That said, here are some other reasons why it’s smart to use a local disability lawyer.

Prepares Initial Application

A skilled Social Security disability Kansas City lawyer will help you fill out the initial application for disability benefits. Either the attorney or a paralegal will fill out the form as he or she asks you questions about your ailment, income and living situation. The attorney will then send the application to the Social Security Administration.

Expedites Process

A lawyer who handles Social Security disability Kansas City claims may hasten the decision-making process. He or she will largely accomplish this by getting all paperwork completed quickly, including any forms for first and second appeals.

Representation at Hearing

Lawyers who work with Social Security disability in Kansas City will represent you at your hearing. During this time, your lawyer will argue your case before a judge, convincing him or her that you have a legitimate disability. He or she will also counter any arguments made by the vocational expert about your ability to still work certain jobs.

Most reputable Kansas City Social Security disability attorneys do not charge you upfront for their legal services. Your lawyer’s firm will get paid if and when you win your case.

Grundy Disability Group has been helping people get disability benefits for more than 12 years, and you can reach the firm at 855-233-9922 or Grundydisabilitygroup.com.

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