Why You Should Be Worried About Rat Infestations

by | Oct 12, 2016 | Pest Control

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Australia is home to an enormous variety of mice and rats, both foreign and domestic, and rat infestations can happen to almost any home or business. It may not matter how well you secure your property from pests; they can always find a way inside.

Primarily, Australia hosts the Norway rat and the Black/Roof rat. The Norway is considered a sewer or brown rat, although they may not be brown in colour. They’re found in rural and urban areas and can infest businesses, homes, sewers, warehouses, farms, waterways and more. They are most likely found on ground floors or basements.

The Black or Roof rat is smaller than a Norway rat and may be lighter in colour. They are climbers and can inhabit trees/shrubs, climb into attics and live in walls and cabinets.

Health Problems

Rat infestation can lead to a variety of diseases and infections, many of which can be caught by humans. Their presence leaves behind urine and faeces, contaminating food and clothing, and their bites can cause severe illness. Likewise, they host fleas and mites, which could spread into carpeting and to your pets. If they were to die near to or in your water supply, it could make the entire household sick.


The best thing you can do is to call Pink Pest Services if you think you are infested with rats. It’s much safer to be sure you do not have a problem, than to take the chance of causing health problems to you and your family. Professional pest controllers possess both the skill set and the tools needed to ensure the safety, and the hygiene, of your home.

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