Why There is an Increase in Geese Removal in Reynoldsburg

by | Feb 23, 2017 | Animal Control

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Canadian Geese were once included on the endangered species list. The large bird had its population decimated by foxes released in their territory by 18th-century farmers determined to save their crops. The numbers of the birds plummeted to the point where it was believed they were extinct. When a population was discovered on a fox-free island in the 1960s, the birds were helped by a government extermination program that eliminated the non-native foxes. Today, they are no longer protected and their high numbers and hesitance to migrate south have made them a nuisance to many homeowners.

Geese Removal in Reynoldsburg has become a service residents rely on more frequently when the creatures arrive on their property. The beauty of the geese is undeniable, but this has not made their presence enjoyable for many people. There are numerous reasons why landowners want the geese to stay away.

  • They create a flying and driving hazard in the area.
  • They overgraze fields and lawns.
  • Nesting and mating birds are often aggressive.
  • Their droppings pollute water supplies.
  • They leave behind a mess of feathers and droppings in yards, roads and around homes and public areas.

With the help of Geese Removal in Reynoldsburg, it is possible to eliminate large flocks of nuisance geese from any yard. Chemical and noise aversion tactics may be used, or trained dogs could be employed as well as other methods. The process is humane and usually results in success without any harm to the birds. Following a removal, there are some things homeowners can do to discourage the arrival of other geese. This includes planting tall grass around ponds to make them more difficult to access. Installing lights and alarms that are motion-triggered will prevent them from viewing the area as a safe zone. Avoid putting out any feed or bread for other animals or birds that may attract the geese. A combination of tactics is usually the most effective and repeated efforts from a removal service is suggested to break the habits of the current population. Check out our website to learn more about controlling Canadian Geese or removing other harmful nuisance animals.

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