Why Teaching Your Employees Fire Safety Saves Lives

by | Sep 21, 2016 | Interior Building Systems

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Fires can begin without warning, so it is important that all employees are effectively trained to understand how to react and what to do in the event of discovering a fire or hearing the fire alarm. This training may save lives and for large open areas, Accordion Doors in Minnesota will close and prevent fire from spreading.

The First Fire Safety Rule Is Fire Prevention

Every employee can learn the basic fire prevention rules to help reduce the possibility of fire breaking out in your building. When they are shown what could happen if these simple rules are not applied, they quickly see how they form part of your overall fire prevention team.

These simple rules include the correct disposal of cigarettes in your designated smoking area. Not overloading electrical outlets and turning off electrical appliances when they are not being used, can prevent fires. Those same employees can be taught to see cracked and broken electrical cords and to take the item out of action immediately and report the problem to the appropriate department.

Fire Is a Real Possibility in Any Building

Although most employees will go a lifetime without being involved in a real life fire drama, being able to recognize the best ways to put out a small fire by using the correct fire extinguisher may save an entire building from burning down. Those vital seconds that can be saved when an employee knows exactly which fire extinguisher to pick up in an emergency might be all the difference that is required. The use of the wrong extinguisher can turn a moderate fire problem into a disaster.

The use of Accordion Doors in Minnesota can help form an important stage in your building’s fire prevention and become part of a fiery action plan.

Employees, within the first few seconds of joining a business, must understand the fire routes away from where they are working and the meeting location point. There may be visitors within your building when a fire breaks out and employees are responsible for helping these individuals to move to a safer setting.

Knowing The Sound of the Alarm

Regular fire drills will help employees distinguish between the various alarm sounds that form part of your building’s protection. By understanding the placement of fire alarms and smoke detectors, employees have a better knowledge of fire protection procedures. They will know which doors are fire doors, which offer exits and what to do in the event of finding a fire.

Individuals feel safer when they have knowledge and understanding of your fire detection systems, exit strategies and distinguishing between which small fires can be tackled and when the fire department should be contacted immediately.

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