Why is it Important to Seek PTSD and Anxiety Treatment in Aventura, FL

by | Jul 19, 2024 | General

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Living with Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be challenging and can affect many aspects of your life. It can lead to severe anxiety, flashbacks of traumatic events, insomnia and fatigue, detachment and intrusive thoughts and memories. Do not fret. PTSD therapy in Aventura, FL helps individuals undergoing therapy for anxiety disorders in Aventura, FL to navigate post-traumatic experiences with ease and in a supportive environment. Below are more reasons you should seek anxiety therapy in Aventura, FL.

EMDR Accelerates Healing

Even though talk therapy and cognitive behavior therapy(CBT) help process your traumatic experience and develop new mechanisms of coping, it can take longer to get noticeable results. Anxiety therapy in Aventura, FL utilizes evidence-based therapy renowned as EMDR to accelerate your processing and healing process. The technique employs hand tapping, eye movements and audible tones to disrupt your amplified response to stress, while actively rekindling a recollection of the traumatic event. The strategy has been shown to effect recovery in 90 percent of single-trauma victims in just three 90-minute sessions.

Personalized Treatment

Not every anxiety case is alike and people experience anxiety and PTSD differently. As such, specialists in PTSD therapy in Aventura, FL understand that there is no one-fit-all treatment for PTSD and customize treatment according to need.

Enhanced Daily Functioning

Prioritizing your therapy in the right anxiety treatment center in Aventura, FL will enable you to have a quality life with better relationships and engagements in your daily routine. Consistent sessions of therapy for anxiety disorders in Aventura, FL will also help reduce post-traumatic episodes as the impact decreases over time.

Seeking therapy for PTSD is a proactive step towards trauma recovery. If you are considering getting specialized treatment for anxiety and don’t know where to start, contact David Ettinger, LCSW – Therapist in Miami Aventura Florida to get to the best anxiety treatment center in Aventura, FL, offering effective relief from PTSD and anxiety symptoms.

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