Whether you choose to purchase your dealer’s branded floor mats or another model that better suits your requirements like Husky Liners Weatherbeater Floor Liners, it is still one of the first upgrades that most people choose, whether the car is brand-new or new to you. Have you ever considered the reasons that this becomes your first choice?
You Want to Retain the Vehicle’s Resale Value
Unless you live and work in an extreme environment, you choose floor liners to ensure that all of the grime and dirt from your shoes or boots stays on the mat and doesn’t bed itself down into your floor carpet.
Keeping the dirt away from the carpet helps your vehicle maintain a better resale value, when the day arrives. Fundamentally, we all cover our floor carpets with a sensible mat so that we can maintain the carpet throughout the ownership of the vehicle.
Carpets are difficult to clean, especially when you drag dirt from the road, fields, car parks and grocery superstores. Of the many advantages of fitting custom fit floor liners to your vehicle is their ability to be cleaned easily as they offer all-weather protection and when you choose a model like Husky Liners Weatherbeater Floor Liners they apply a ridge that runs along the doorjamb, further insuring that the dirt stays away from your carpet and sits on your mat.
Stock Floor Mats or Custom Fit?
As you consider Husky Liners Weatherbeater Floor Liners or a universal brand, it helps if you know the difference between stock floor mats or custom fit versions. The floor mats that your dealer sells you should fit perfectly, but often it is better to buy a custom fit model so that you know the floor liners have been designed to fit specifically for your vehicle. It should be the same for dealer’s mats, but for whatever reason they often don’t fit as well.
Some less expensive floor mats move around your vehicle for two particular reasons. First, they do not fit perfectly because they are not custom fit floor liners and second, many fail to offer cleats that keep the liner in position and stop them from shifting easily.
When you install floor liners that fit snugly to the foot well of your vehicle, you are preventing wet from snow, mud and rain and sugary drinks like soda and coffee, from spilling onto your carpet. They are difficult to remove from your carpet and if you don’t act quickly, they may encourage damp and bacteria growth which can quickly ruin the original carpet.
Check out the different floor mats that are available for your model and you will be pleased you chose the upgrade.