Temporary fuel and trip permits are available for drivers needing to transport goods through a state for which they do not have the proper registration credentials. These types of permits are issued for a specific time limit, depending on the state, and can be costly. Temporary fuel permits are issued to cover transportation for a carrier that does not have current International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) credentials or a fuel permit for the state in which travel is intended. Trip permits are temporarily issued in place of International Registration Plan (IRP) papers, for properly registered vehicles which are not licensed for the justification through which travel is planned.
The IFTA and IRP are programs created to collect and distribute fuel tax and vehicle registration revenue between its member states and Canadian provinces. Carriers whose vehicles are not IRP registered with the jurisdiction in which they intend to travel must obtain a trip permit before entering that jurisdiction. The State of Louisiana’s trip permits are valid for 48 hours, and cost $50.00. The permits are available only through companies authorized to sell Louisiana trip tickets. Companies or individuals seeking Trip Trucking Permits Louisiana will find that businesses like visit us website are an invaluable source of assistance. All that’s needed is Internet access, and permits can be purchased online.
Trip Trucking Permits Louisiana is a requirement for interstate truckers for the collection of taxes both on fuel and on the actual miles driven over the highways. Each state may have differing tax rates on fuel purchased, and miles traveled. Often, companies or independent truck drivers will choose to purchase temporary permits. Truck drivers lacking the proper permits are subject to significant penalties. In case of no permit, at a minimum the trucker will be fined and made to obtain temporary permits. On some occasions, in addition to a fine, the drivers payload will be off-loaded onto that of a properly permitted carrier -; at the expense of the driver. Why risk costly delays by avoiding purchasing a permit? Protect your job and your livelihood by being in compliance with the law. Keep on trucking while the radio plays Willie Nelson’s ballad, “On the Road Again”. Visit the site to know more about the trip trucking permits for Louisian.