Why a Business Can Benefit From Insurance Coverage for Errors and Omissions

by | Feb 24, 2015 | Insurance

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With the many factors that come with running a business, trying to keep up with them all can be a bit much for some people. If you run a business that deals with the public, then you will need to work extra hard to make sure all of your bases are covered. Many small business owners think by having a liability policy for their company, they are covered regardless of what happens. In most cases, the liability policy you have for your business will not cover near as much as you think. In order to keep your business protected you will need to invest in insurance Coverage for errors and omissions. The following are a couple of the reasons why having this type of insurance can be so beneficial.

Protection in Cases of Negligence

The first reason why having an errors and omissions policy is so important is due to the fact it can protect you in cases of reported negligence by you or your employees. If you have a customer or client trying to sue you for negligent, the liability policy you have will not usually cover the expenses and damages incurred. In order to make sure you are fully protected in situations like this, you will need to get a quality errors and omissions policy.

Cover Your Defence Costs

If you find yourself in a situation where you are being sued by a client or customer, you will need to have money to pay the defence attorneys you hire. By having an errors and omissions policy, you will be able to get the money you need to mount a proper defence. By having a policy that pays in situations like this, you can reduce some of the stress that will come from being sued.

When in the market for adequate Coverage for errors and omissions, look to the team at Olsommer-Clarke Insurance Group, Inc. They have the experience needed to get you the errors and omissions insurance you need for your business. Call them or go to their website for more information on what they can do for you.

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