One of the most desirable methods for producing monoclonal antibodies is hybridoma antibody production. The monoclonal antibodies can be used for many different applications, primarily to treat and research different diseases. It is important to work with a company that has experience producing these antibodies for diagnostic and therapeutic uses in different industries.
The Production Process
In general, hybridoma antibody production occurs when hybridoma cell lines are created in labs that immunize mice with a specific antigen, and then they isolate the B lymphocytes. The lab can culture the hybridoma cells to produce custom monoclonal antibodies. In addition, some companies have the capacity to use a unique approach, such as single-use, continuous processing, perfusion hollow fiber bioreactor technology. This type of approach makes it possible to harvest antibodies from a continuous and concentrated stream of antibodies from the bioreactor for a period of weeks or even months.
What to Look For
Companies that offer hybridoma antibody production have both the equipment and the expertise to offer these services. They will have assisted many clients with thousands of sensitive and specific monoclonal antibodies. The best companies can work with small research clients as well as large scale commercial operations. The key is to find a company that can meet each client’s specific needs. In addition to hybridoma antibody production, they will have other services such as purification and downstream processing for monoclonal antibodies. These monoclonal antibodies are usually critical to the success of many research efforts, and this type of company can use a client’s hybridoma cell line or another cell line to manufacture the custom monoclonal antibodies they need.