Oral surgery can help correct all sorts of issues with the teeth and gums. Depending on the nature of the type of dental work involved, the procedure may fall into the province of an oral surgeon in Summit, NJ. Prior to the surgery, the surgeon will meet with the patient and go over all the preparations that should be made before the procedure takes place. This is also the chance for the patient to provide information that the surgeon needs to know beforehand. Here are some suggestions of what type of information will be shared during that preliminary meeting.
Nervous Disorders – The oral surgeon in Summit, NJ will need to know if the patient is currently being treated for any type of nervous disorder. This includes conditions like Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, or any type of phobia that would trigger a great deal of anxiety before or during the procedure. Assuming the patient is currently using any type of over the counter or prescription product to manage the condition, that information should be included as well. This will make it easier for the surgeon to select the right type of anesthesia for the procedure.
Food and Drink – As with many forms of surgery, the patient will receive instructions related to the hours prior to the procedure. In many cases, this means not eating anything for at least eight hours before the surgery. Liquids may be limited to water, if liquids are allowed at all.
Questions About the Recovery Period – Many patients have questions of what to expect after the surgery. The surgeon can provide information about matters such as temporary swelling, pain management, and other basics. The goal is to ensure the patient has the chance to plan accordingly, up to and including an arrangement for transportation home once he or she is released.
The professionals at Westfield Oral Surgery make it a point to ensure their patients know what to do in terms of preparing for the surgery, how the procedure is managed, and what things will be like in the hours and days after the surgery is complete. Providing factual data helps to calm fears and make it much easier for patients to know they are in good hands.