When you own a restaurant, floral shop or other business that uses refrigeration to keep a good portion of your inventory cool, there may be times when your cooler stops working as it should. It is critical that you have it repaired as soon as possible, as waiting can lead to more problems and complete destruction of your inventory. There are a variety of companies that provide repair of these units, and you should have an idea of what to expect during your service appointment so you can prepare properly before hand. The following three items are a basic overview of what you can expect during your repair service. Having this knowledge can help you gain an understanding of the technicians actions during your appointment.
The first step is for the technician to complete a full evaluation of your equipment. They will test all of the machines critical components and identify areas where your refrigerator or Walk In Freezer in St. Paul, MN is not working as expected. They will then use this information to determine what parts and work will be needed to restore it. Without a through investigation a dependable diagnosis will not take place.
After the problem has been identified, they will write up an estimate that includes the total price of parts and labor that will be required to restore it to a proper working state. Make sure you ask questions about the estimate, and feel free to have them show you what parts they need to replace so you know they are completing the work properly.
Once you approve the estimate, they will begin the work of repairing your equipment. Most repair work can be completed in as little as one day, but larger jobs may take more time. Ask them about the time frame for repair, so you can have an idea of how long your cooler will be out of commission. If you are tired of the problems you are having with your Walk In Freezer in St. Paul, MN, contact the experts at Twin City Mechanical. They will respond to your maintenance request in less than 24 hours, and provide a fair and affordable estimate. Contact them today so you can take care of your refrigeration issues and keep your products and yourself cool as a cucumber.