What to Do to Prepare for Teeth Whitening n Bartonsville

by | Nov 4, 2014 | Dental Services

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Getting one’s teeth whitened is a little more complicated than sitting under one of those blue beams or just taking in some high concentration mouth whitening wash. Teeth whitening could be a complicated process, so it is vital to prepare for it accordingly. Below is an overview of the process and what it includes, as well as what to expect.

Strengths and Grades

Not all teeth whitening methods and Dental Care Services are created equal. Over the counter methods have a peroxide strength that is typically between 10% to 15%. Comparably, dentists have products that range from 15% to as high as 40%. Very rarely, if ever, does it exceed this grade. That’s why looking at the numbers is important, because no amount of exposure by a 10% product can rival the likes of a 40% peroxide grade.

Sensitivity Can Vary and Get Worse

Some people are more likely to withstand a teeth whitening treatment, while others are more likely to suffer from sensitivity. Not only does sensitivity range varies, but it can get worse with more exposure to teeth whitening products. Sensitivity can also be temporary, and different types of products may cause different types of side effects. Obviously, a professional will assess these differences and individualize the procedure. Even more obviously, this is something that does not apply to over the counter methods.

Tooth Enamel is Tough, But is it Tough Enough?

The argument that Teeth Whitening in Bartonsville methods destroys enamel is a controversial one. Some say that this is most certainly not the case. Others suggest that yes, tooth enamel can be affected in the process of whitening the teeth. The general understanding is that tooth enamel is only affected if the whitening methods are abused, such as overexposure or extended use. The best way to remove this concern from the equation is to get treatment under professional supervision.

Teeth Whitening in Bartonsville is not as easy as it seems on the surface, for the above considerations make it something that should be monitored. It should also be taken very seriously, and potentially reviewed by a dentist with experience in the area.

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