Most companies package their foods depending on the expenses and how well it lures consumers to the product. As a business that’s fighting to attract more hungry customers, this can be a problem for the case of sustainability-conscious customers.
Even if food packaging does not influence much of the product’s impact on the environment, it helps the business to sell out. However, environmental sustainability is equally important.
Things to Consider During Packaging
- Packaging Layers
Most snacks, such as chips, are in bags that have too many layers of foil. Most companies do this because such bags are light or to reduce the shipping volume. Some do this because they are graphic friendly.
However, recycling such bags is hard. There are no tools that can separate the films, and the food firms have no alternative wrapping means. To help, packaging firms can enhance consumer education on disposal and reusing means. Consumers can reuse them for craft projects.
- Size and Material
Most companies’ package drinks like coffee using small, sleek containers because consumers find them attractive. However, the little containers and other food packaging materials like the yogurt bottles use plastic that’s unfit for recycling.
Food chain firms, including coffee chains, can use bigger containers or allow clients to use reusable coffee mugs when buying drinks as a remedy.
- Take-out Materials
Pizza take-outs are convenient, and the containers are very recyclable. However, it is difficult to do this when cheese, ketchup, or food scraps stick to the box. Although consumers can’t avoid cheese sticking to the lid, companies can help out by using disposable containers or specially-designed boxes that are recyclable.
Every food industry wants to make returns by feeding people; however, it is equally satisfying to take care of the environment by using favorable packaging.