Optical services in Madison can include treatments for a variety of disorders ranging from near-sightedness through conjunctivitis to macular degeneration. The patient can also choose from a large variety of contact lenses and prescription glasses. The doctors offer vision training or therapy to help the patient improve skills like tracking and correct problems like lazy eye.
What Is Keratoconus?
Keratoconus is a disease affecting the cornea that causes it to become weak and cone shaped. It is most common in patients under 30 years old. Symptoms include increased light sensitivity and blurry vision. While the early stages can be treated with corrective lenses, the patient may eventually need a corneal transplant.
Are There Different Types of Contact Lenses?
Yes. Patients can choose a variety of contact lenses from optical in Madison, AL. People with eye allergies, for example, may use daily disposable lenses that they would replace every day. Other soft contact lenses can be used for two weeks, a month, or a year. Patients may also choose bifocal lenses or toric lenses that correct astigmatism.
When Should Children Have Their Eyes Examined?
According to the American Optometric Association, children should have their eyes examined for the first time when they are between six and 12 months old. They should also have eye exams at age 3, before starting first grade, and every year after that. A public health program called InfantSEE will provide free eye exams to infants between six and 12 months old.
Contact Specs of Madison or visit us to learn more about optical in Madison, AL.