The metatarsal bones are five bones which are responsible for allowing for articulation of the ankle joint as well as the toes. These bones are held in place by ligaments which give the arch of the foot. The metatarsals are similar to the metacarpals which do the same job, however they are found in the hand and provide articulation of the fingers and wrist. These bones are very much responsible for giving an individual balance and stability.
These bones are often subjected to stress fractures which can be the result of job related or sports injuries. When a fracture occurs due to sports the cause is often excessive training, when an injury happens on the job it is often causes by a falling object. There is little that can be done by law to overcome sports related issues but in the workplace metatarsal guards OSHA are demanded, as a matter of fact there are several standards and rules that apply to injuries to the feet, these rules all require that employees involved in work where hazards exist must wear protective footwear. The hazards that are addressed are falling objects, punctures and electrical potential.
A fracture of one or more of the metatarsal bones can vary from reasonably simple to extreme. The patient may be told to stay off his or her feet for a while and wear supportive shoes during the healing process. More severe fractures, the type that can be caused when a heavy object falls on the foot in the workplace can often require more aggressive treatment, including pinning the bones so that they remain stable and in place while they heal. It is not unknown for an individual to be off their feet for as long as six weeks with a severe fracture.
OSHA is very strict with both the employee and the employer when it comes to wearing metatarsal guards OSHA. If the worksite requires such a safety device and the employee shows up for work without them, the employer is not obliged to provide work until such time as the employee acts in a safe manner.
Although the employer is obliged to provide training for the employee in foot protection, it is the employee’s responsibility to ensure that he or she has the proper safety shoes, which at times demand steel toes and metatarsal guards.
Footwear with metatarsal guards OSHA is required when it is necessary to protect the toes and metatarsal bones in the feet of a worker. You are invited to shop on line at Michigan Industrial Shoe for a selection of both internal and external guards.