What Approach is right for your Trade Booth?

by | Mar 20, 2014 | Business

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Once you have your Custom Trade Show Displays ready you want to be certain you have a well planned approach on how you intend to attract customers. There is no point in investing in custom trade show displays if you won’t know what to do with people when they stop by for information.

Plan of Attack

When you design your custom trade show displays think of your plan of attack. This way you will have a layout that will allow you to attract customers but then have somewhere to deal with them once they arrive. Consider having bar style small tables you can easily lean into and chat, as well as displays with your products. Either will offer an easy, casual place to stand so that you are not in the middle of a booth without purpose or access to products and information. Make sure you have either computers or tablets to offer information on services if you are not selling products so that your staff has a reference that is more engaging, but that can also allow people to seek information on their own if the booth is busy.

Consider Demos

Depending on the product or service you are selling you can also consider if demos are a good idea. Demonstrations allow you to show off your product or service so people can experience first hand exactly what it is you are selling. Have scheduled demo times clearly marked and announce them when they are about to begin to get more bang for your buck. Unless you are hiring a professional demonstration company make sure you have a good script for reference and avoid dull demos that will have people walking away.

Logical Approach

Make sure you do not set up tables and display cases that inhibit people from getting into your booth. Avoid wide tables and displays and instead consider smaller cases and tables spread out across the front of your booth. This will look good while providing an easy way to enter your booth.

Having an effective, well thought out plan of action will help make sure you get the most out of your custom trade show displays and make it easier to engage customers.

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