Understanding the Renewable Energy Law in Pensacola, FL

by | Dec 19, 2022 | Law Firms

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Over the last two decades, renewable energy sources, including hydroelectric, solar, wind, and geothermal, have met a growing portion of America’s energy demands; in 2011, their output finally surpassed that of the country’s nuclear power program. With President Obama requesting a commitment from the Department of Defense to purchase at least 1,000 megawatts of renewable energy per year, the Obama administration was very clear in its commitment to alternative or renewable energy sources.

To better understand renewable energy law in Pensacola, FL, you must realize there are two types of laws.

Federal Renewable Energy Law

Solar electric and solar water systems and fuel cells are eligible for the federal tax credit established by Congress as part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. This act also authorized this credit for residential properties. In 2008, the credits were expanded to include geothermal pumps and smaller wind energy projects as eligible for participation.

State Renewable Energy Law

During 2011, state legislatures around the country received nearly one thousand new measures connected to renewable energy sources. For more information on these measures or questions surrounding their legality contact the experts at Beggs & Lane. The acts covered a wide variety of subjects, including the funding of projects utilizing renewable energy, which may include the provision of loans, bonds, and rebates, in addition to the establishment of financing authorities.

Another thing covered by renewable energy law in Pensacola, FL, is the standards for renewable energy production. The criteria that must be met have been made obligatory in several jurisdictions. These states have mandated that a certain proportion of future power sales originate from renewable sources.

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