Understanding the Chin Augmentation Process in Naperville

by | Jul 6, 2020 | Medical Spa

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Having a weak chin can affect a person’s facial appearance. It may also make an otherwise perfectly sized nose seem too large or make the neck appear fleshy. In some cases, a chin augmentation in Naperville with an implant, which is referred to as a mentoplasty, may be beneficial. A chin implant can help to correct a weak chin and strengthen the appearance of any receding chin while helping to restore balance to the face.

The chin implants themselves are available in a number of sizes and shapes. These implants are able to be used to create a chin that is wider and stronger and may even help to make a person’s face appear longer. The implant will be placed over the current bone structure of the lower jaw in order to increase the dimensions and create the desired changes.

An important thing for anyone interested in this procedure is to determine if they are a candidate for a chin augmentation procedure. For this surgery to be successful, the person’s teeth and jaw have to be functioning properly. If the person has a chin that is just somewhat weak and the teeth and jaw function properly, then chin implants may be the best way to get the look desired. It is also important that the immune system functions well in order to reduce the potential for an infection after the surgery.

The surgery can be done on its own or in a combination with other surgeries, such as a facelift, cheek implant, or lip lift. It can also be done in the doctor’s office or in an outpatient surgery center. The surgeon will determine the right implant shape for the person who is having the procedure completed.

Center For Cosmetic & Laser Surgery offers additional information about the chin implant procedure and if it is right for a particular person. Being informed about the procedure will help ensure that it is right for a person and will help them determine if it is their best option for achieving the desired look. Take some time to do this and talk with a doctor about the procedure ahead of time to achieve the desired results.

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