The screen that surrounds your porch adds much convenience and comfort to your porch, allowing you to use it more frequently and enjoy it more. Sometimes, however, your screen requires a screen porch repair in Orange Park before it can be enjoyed again. To better understand how these problems occur, here are a few of the common causes of porch screen issues.
Falling Branches
Though a tree can provide plenty of shade and beauty to your property, falling branches from that tree can pose a threat to your porch screens. Though screens are certainly sturdy, a falling branch exerts a lot of force that can cut through the screen, creating a large hole that allows bugs to enter your porch as they please. If a branch has fallen on your screen because of a storm, it’s time to enlist the services of screen porch repair in Orange Park.
Since screens are made of metal, they do have a small risk of rust. Though this risk isn’t as high as other metal surfaces, the risk still exists. If there is an area on your screens that is surrounded by plants, meaning it’s constantly exposed to moisture and dries out slowly when it rains, you may experience rust in this area. Over time, this rust can cause the screen to fail, leading to the need for professional screen repair. Therefore, it’s a good idea to try and keep plants away from your screens to ensure your screens have a chance to dry thoroughly.
Believe it or not, there are some insects that are persistent enough to chew holes through your metal screens. Grasshoppers, crickets, and wasps, among other insects, can chew through your screen, little by little, until your screen is covered with small holes. The best way to prevent this from happening is to invest in a heavier-gauge screen material that is too thick for insects to chew through. Of course, if you’re already faced with the holes, you’ll want professional screen porch repair in Orange Park to fix your screen before these pests have a chance to make it inside.