Understanding Divorce and Family Law in Hutchinson, KS

by | Apr 14, 2014 | Lawyer

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More and more families are surfacing as dysfunctional. They cannot get along, and so mom and dad decides to get a divorce. It would be great for the family if they could get counseling or some degree of professional assistance before they decide to take that route. If worse goes to worst, they could always consult a lawyer. There is a law firm that practices Family Law in Hutchinson, KS who would like to remind you about the specific family laws in Kansas.

If you happen to end up in the case of filing for divorce, in Kansas, you must be in the state for a minimum of sixty days before a petition can be filed. If there are minor children involved in the dispute, unless they also are residents of Kansas for at least six months, the Kansas court will not usually intervene or assume jurisdiction. Kansas courts will also have jurisdiction to make an equitable division of the property, regardless to how it was acquired. It is noted, however that they attempt to return inherited properties or property owned before the marriage.

When it comes to the children involved legal disputes, the child support guidelines take into account the age of the child(ren), gross income in the family, long distance visitations, special needs taken into consideration for the children, etc. Other issues of rights that come into play in family law are grandparents’ rights, spousal support, adoption issues if necessary. Because the issues in family law are so vast and complex, you need to call upon an attorney who specializes in Family Law in Hutchinson, KS.

Oswalt, Henry, Oswald & Roberts are attorneys who practice family law in Hutchinson, Kansas and the surrounding areas. They are well-versed in the areas of social security, Worker’s Compensation, DUI, personal injury, traffic law, real estate, bankruptcy, wills & estate law, criminal law, and of course family law. You can browse more information about what their law firm stands for and does by visiting their website, http://www.hutchlawks.com/. When looking to choose an attorney in Kansas, Choose Oswalt, Henry, Oswald and Roberts. Their team will immediately begin to go to work for you, whatever your issue.

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