Understanding 401K Benefits in Tampa, FL

by | Sep 14, 2022 | Insurance

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Employers can participate in a 401(k), known as a retirement savings and investment plan. Employees are eligible for a tax credit on their 401(k) plan contributions. These automatic contributions are taken from employees’ paychecks and invested in funds of their choosing from a list of available offerings. In 2022, the yearly cap for 401k benefits in Tampa, FL, along with the rest of the United States, is $20,500 or $27,000 for individuals over 50.

How to Get a 401K

Many companies offer 401k benefits in Tampa, FL. Sadly, not all firms provide employees access to 401(k) plans. Employees fund their accounts by designating automatic withdrawals from their paychecks. The tax benefit is received when you make contributions or take money in retirement, depending on your plan type.

Why Invest in a 401K Plan?

The employer match is the 401(k) benefit that garners the most attention. Stop reading right now and complete the sign-up forms if your place of employment offers to add extra funds to your account according to how much you give, such as a dollar-for-dollar or 50 cents-on-the-dollar matches up to, say, 6% of your contribution amount. If nothing else, make a sufficient deposit into your account to qualify for the free money.

Can Take It With You to Different Jobs

You can and ought to take your 401(k) with you if you change jobs. You’ll need to roll that account into a new one; for many people, changing that 401(k) to an IRA is a terrific option. This won’t get packed up with your other items. When that time arrives, you should talk to the professionals at a place such as the Affordable Insurance Team to ensure it’s done right.

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