Tips to Keep Your Car’s Transmission Working Well

by | Jul 5, 2016 | Automotive

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Getting your car’s transmission rebuilt or replaced can cost a shocking amount of money. While sometimes there is nothing you can do to avoid a failing transmission, there are some simple steps you can take to extend the life of this vital car component.

Get Regular Maintenance

There are many places you can go for a transmission flush in Minneapolis. Take a look at your vehicle’s owner’s manual to find out when you should get this vital service performed. Most vehicles can go between 30,000 and 60,000 miles between transmission flushes.

When you head to get your transmission flushed, the mechanic will look for any signs of trouble that could lead to big transmission problems down the road.

Check the Fluid

When you open the hood of your car, you’ll see the dipstick for the transmission. Pull it out, wipe it off, reinsert it, and pull it out again. If the fluid is low, you may need to put more in. Be sure to check the owner’s manual so you buy the right type of transmission fluid.

Transmission fluid is usually a shade of red or pink. It can darken over time if particles build up in it. You can touch the fluid from the dipstick so a little gets on your index finger. Rub it between your fingers to see if it has a grainy feel. If so, it may be time to head to a local mechanic for a transmission flush in Minneapolis.

Drive Gently

Avoid putting excessive strain on your transmission. If you have an automatic, come to a complete stop before you shift gears. Also, if your car gets stuck in mud or sand, try not to rock the car back and forth. This can cause the transmission to overheat. Riding your brakes a lot can also strain the transmission.

Taking care of your vehicle makes you safer and can save you money. To make sure the transmission stays in good shape, head to your mechanic for a transmission flush in Minneapolis, regularly check the transmission fluid, and drive gently.

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