Tips for Home Window Repair in Arlington

by | Mar 21, 2014 | Glass & Window Repair

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Windows are an important part of every home because the allow you to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors while safe and secure in the comfort of your home. Windows also allow sunlight and fresh air to enter them home whenever you choose. While the average windows works well for years after installation, over time widows fade, warp, rot and swell due to aging, environmental factors and the level of general maintenance. If you have damaged windows in your home, use the following tips for window repair in Arlington to bring them back to their proper working condition.

Broken Glass

One of the most common problems homeowners encounter with their windows is the issue of a broken glass pane. Luckily, this is one of the most simple problems to repair. The first step in the process is removing the window sash carefully so that you do not cut or otherwise harm yourself. Next, remove any fasteners that hold the glass firmly in place before using a cloth covered hand to remove all of the broken glass pieces. Insert the new pane of glass before using caulking around its base to lock it firmly into place. Scrape off any excess caulking, replace the window sash and allow it to dry completely before initial use.

Windows That Will Not Open

Windows not opening even when they are unlocked is a common issue. Weather changes and excessive moisture cause window materials to swell and change shape over time, which can lead to problems with its proper functioning. One of the simplest ways to fix this issue is to use a thin putty knife to tap along the perimeter between the window and the frame and then gently coaxing the window open by applying pressure. Keep repeating these steps until the window opens, and if it will not close properly on its own afterwards, consider having it shaved down slightly, sanded and then repainted.

Use these helpful tips for home window repair in Arlington as soon as you notice any damage. If you would like to know more about the process of window repair or replacement for your home, click for more information directly from industry professionals.

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