Tips for Hiring a Commercial Floor Cleaning Portland, OR Company

by | Jul 18, 2012 | Home Improvement

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Hiring a commercial floor cleaning Portland, OR company is one of the most important decisions you will have to make. As a business owner, you want to hire the best available service provider. However, because there are so many companies providing cleaning services, the task can be quite daunting. Asking for referrals from other business associates will save you the hassle of having to look for a service provider. Still, you need to know what questions to ask so as to separate amateurs from experts. What follows are some of the things you need to know prior to hiring commercial floor cleaning companies.

Commercial floor cleaning Portland, OR companies do not come cheap. Moreover, you only get what you pay for. You could cut costs by cleaning the office yourself. However, time is money so it is best that you spend it on tasks that will earn you even more. Before you start accepting bids, sit down and calculate your worth. Is it really worth it to spend time cleaning floors? Even if you do not have that much to spend on cleaning services, it is possible to find a company that can work with your budget. However, you should not pick a company on the basis of price alone. Take into consideration such other things as the company’s reputation and quality of service.

Are the employees of the commercial floor cleaning Portland, OR company properly trained? Are current background checks on them available? If you did not know, commercial cleaners clean the office during non-working hours. As they are cleaning, they are able to access sensitive areas and handle crucial information. The last thing you want is to hire criminals. Make a point of talking to the management and ask if they conduct background checks on their employees before hiring. Do not disregard your gut feeling. If you are not comfortable with certain employees, say so.

It is important to ask if the company is licensed to offer commercial floor cleaning services. You should also find out if it is bonded and insured. Insurance is particularly important unless you want to be burdened with medical bills in the unfortunate event of slip and fall accidents. You can easily tell if a company is insured and bonded from their rates. If you did not already know, companies with protection charge considerably higher fees than their counterparts who do not.

Does the commercial floor cleaning company provide a guarantee? The best companies always guarantee their work. You should not waste your time with companies that are hesitant about standing behind their work.

When hiring a commercial floor cleaning company, take into consideration the cost. Find out if the employees have the necessary training. Only settle for a company that can guarantee its services.

Commercial Floor Cleaning – When hiring a commercial cleaning company, choose one that is licensed, insured, and bonded. Also, settle for one that hires experienced employees and that is willing to guarantee its services.

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