Three Biggest Secrets to Effective Garage Door Repair in Winder, GA

by | Jul 12, 2022 | Garage Doors

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Garage doors are made to stand the test of time. However, with frequent usage, they can get broken hence the need for repairs.

Even though hiring a professional for your garage door repair in Winder, GA, is a sure bet, there are some repairs you can comfortably handle on your own. If you’ve decided to do the simple fixes by yourself, make sure you adhere to the following secrets.

1. Refer to the User Manual

A user manual isn’t a waste of booklets. Rather, they contain useful information that can help you resolve a number of issues, such as lubrication, tightening and loosening of bolts, door balancing, and track adjustments. Remember, every door comes with its own manuals. Therefore, if you misplaced yours, you could get the digital pdf copy.

2. Disconnect Power Supply

Suppose you operate an electric garage door, then disconnecting the power supply before repairs are highly recommended. Before you examine, diagnose or repair potential areas of concern, you should turn off the main switch. This precaution will help prevent unexpected electric shocks.

3. Always Run a Test After Repairs.

If you have successfully replaced the damaged pars, it is important that you run a test. Even qualified experts will always run this test. While the user manual will give you the best guideline, there may be an underlying issue that’s hard to rectify without proper training and skills.

At Select Door Service, we have a team of experts trained to handle any type of garage door repair in Winder, GA. Visit our site to learn more about our services.

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