The Pros and Cons of Dog Shots in Chandler, AZ

by | Feb 25, 2014 | Health Care

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The debate over whether Dog Shots in Chandler, AZ are safe for pets is something that has waged for many years now. Pet vaccinations are in the headlines quite a bit, not as much as human vaccinations of course, but enough that pet owners tend to worry about the effects on their beloved pets. With some vaccines for pets it is up to the pet owner, however, with others, it is a matter of law, such as with rabies shots. Rabies is a serious condition, which, when contracted has no cure. Below you will find some pros and cons to getting your dog vaccinated, the choice is yours after weighing all of the information.

Many pet owners think of Dog Shots in Chandler, AZ as a necessary part of having a dog; while it is true that many states require you to have proof of vaccines in order to take your pooch onto public beaches or to the dog park, there are only certain ones that are considered mandatory. You shouldn’t get your dog their shots just because the law says you should, however, you first want to talk to your vet, have your dog examined, and make sure that they are able to get the shots that they need.
There, of course, have been a few instances where dogs were allergic to the Dog Shots in Chandler, AZ, and everywhere else in the world. However, those cases are few and far between.

Some pet owners, as well as some experts, have been opposed to pet vaccines since the beginning, but it has been in recent years that they have become more vocal. Many pet owners question the need for vaccines in animals and the safety of them as well.

Vaccines, just like in humans, are actually small doses of the disease that the vet is trying to prevent. This fact is what leads some experts and pet owners to say that the vaccines are totally unnecessary and dangerous. Many pet owners have claimed that after their pets get the shots they have bad side-effects and that they even have long term health problems. Again, this is known to happen in very rare cases. Getting shots should be up to the pet owner, but you need to weigh the pros and cons heavily, before you make a final decision.  For more information. Click here!

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