If you have been injured in an accident that is not due to your negligence, then you are entitled to recover certain financial expenses including lost wages, medical bills, car replacement or repair and compensation for pain and suffering. However, being entitled to and receiving the benefits are most often two different matters.
You will need the Personal Injury Attorney in Tumwater WA to represent you in every aspect of your claim. Keep in mind that the other driver’s insurance company is only interested in its bottom line and saving money on you will enhance that.
Your Putnam Lieb Potvin attorney is experienced at obtaining information pertaining to an accident. He will obtain the police report and the EMS report as well as statements from witnesses. You condition when you arrived at the ER will be important for the record your attorney is compiling. He may visit the scene of the accident, and he will surely try to look at the other car where much information can be obtained. For example, does the car have bald tires which would indicate neglect? Is there sheet metal damage, other than that caused by the accident, which has not been repaired? Are there empty or partially empty alcoholic beverage containers in the car?
Next, your Personal Injury Attorney in Tumwater WA will conduct a background check of the other driver to determine what his driving record is. Was he in other accidents, does he have numerous traffic violations, does he have one or more DUIs? All of this forms a story about the driver which could be very helpful in developing your claim.
The Personal Injury Attorney at Putnam Lieb Potvin in Tumwater WA will put together a medical file which will record your treatments and your prognosis as well as the pain and suffering you have endured. He may ask for an expert in a certain medical field to consult with him and to testify if your claim goes to court.
Keep in mind that if your attorney presents a settlement proposal to the other driver’s insurance company and they reject it, then your case will most likely go to trial. Of course, there are stories about settlements reached on the court house steps, but these are rare. Your attorney will be well prepared to take your case to the court room.