As a company owner, you’re probably doing your best to ensure that all your employee needs are taken care of, which sometimes means holding meetings or conferences and hiring speakers for those events. You’ve probably heard of a motivational speaker or an inspirational one, but did you know that you can find both options in one person?
The Meanings
Motivation is the reason for behaving and acting a certain way. You have a willingness or desire to do something, and you’re enthusiastic about it. Inspiration is much different because it means being mentally stimulated to want to feel or do something, especially if it is creative.
In most cases, speakers are both without even realizing it, but you must ensure that you choose an inspirational, motivational speaker because they will stimulate others mentally to want to do it and then motivate them to behave that way to achieve it. You need both in business or speakers won’t work for your events.
What The Audience Needs
Your ultimate goal here is to give the audience (usually your employees) what they need to be more creative and do more for you. That can mean different things, so it’s important to determine which group needs what. You may break it down by department or some other way, but you should identify which people in the organization needs to be motivated and who will benefit most by being inspired. The best part is that if you hire an inspirational, motivational speaker, they will reach both groups at the same time, so you achieve more when you hire just one person to speak.
This is why most companies hire someone who either does keynotes, motivates, inspires, or does all three at the same time. No matter what you need, they can be your go-to choice.