Loss of permanent teeth is quite tragic. This is because one knows they can never regain them. However, this does not mean that you have to live with gaps in your gums. You can still retain a beautiful smile with dental prosthetics. These are attached to a dental implant put in the gum. Experts in implant dentistry in Clayton are the right people to contact about lost teeth. A good smile will restore your confidence and make eating as enjoyable and easy as it once was.
No alteration of other teeth
When you get the implants, they are inserted into the gum. This means that the space where the tooth was cab be filled by attaching a prosthetic tooth. Unlike bridges, you will not affect the neighboring teeth. This is because they will not need to be altered to let that one tooth fit in. The alteration done by bridging is dangerous because it ruins the other teeth too. It may also dislocate the jaw.
It is permanent
Implants are fitted permanently. This means that you will always have them, and you can attach any prosthetic tooth on them. They normally come with another part called an abutment. This is what connects the implants to the prosthetic tooth. You can always have your fine line of teeth no matter how many teeth you have lost. This will also be good for your jaw structure.
It feels like natural teeth
The process of implant insertion is long, and it takes time. This is because you will have to be sutured after the screws have been fixed. The healing will take three to six months. However, after this, you have perfect teeth and your jaw will look completely normal. Implant Dentistry in Clayton at Forest Park Dental can change your life completely. In a short time, you will feel like they are your own teeth.
Forest park dental of Clayton are the best implant dentists around. You can consult them when you need help and treatment. They will perform the procedures on you even if you need multiple implants inserted. They are the new face of implant dentistry in Clayton, and you can trust them with your smile. You can now smile naturally and forget the nightmare of losing your teeth. You can regain back your confidence along with your beautiful smile.