When you think of termites, you mostly think about them eating the wood and destroying your beloved property. Getting rid of them is quite simple, most people think, as you simply call in a professional such as Alliance Pest Management for a termite control. It seems however, that a couple in Florida and many people in New Orleans are starting to consider termites as something straight out of a horror movie that no amount of Termite Control in Phoenix AZ can remedy. Read on for the story.
Florida Mansion
This couple knew that their $1,000,000 mansion had a little termite problem when they signed the closing paper. They were under the impression that a little bit of termite control and some diligence would take care of the problem in no time at all.
They thought this right up until the summer night. Swarms of flying termites attacked the inside of their home. A dark scary mass of winged termites swarmed out of the walls of the master bathroom of their once stately home. In a scene straight out of a horror movie, the couple watched in terror as similar swarms flew out of the stones of their elegant living room fireplace.
There were four more swarms in the spring and summer, every three weeks at the end of the day. The termites were eventually found to be Formosans instead of termites native to Florida. Eventually it was found that millions of termites were nested in the walls of the waterfront mansion.
New Orleans
New Orleans has also discovered recently that they have a termite problem on their hands. From the bars in the area to the churches and the outside, termites are swarming everywhere and not many people know what to do about it.
Is there are large termite infestation going on? Is it going to spread to the rest of the world? It’s doubtful, but it seems that termites are not the little problem that they used to be. If you suspect you have a termite problem, you may want to have someone come in and take care of it right way, before they nest in the millions in the walls of your home.