One of the most important features of tanning beds are the lamps that provide the light to create beautiful tans. Tanning bed lamps use ultraviolet light to provide an environment to get a nice even tan. Tanning beds sometimes unfairly get a bad reputation but the tanning bed lamps that they use operate without the negative effects of the UVC light that the sun emits.
What is Different About Indoor Tanning?
Indoor tanning differs from tanning while outside in one very obvious way, that people are inside under false light rather than outside in the direct sunlight. There are some important differences between tanning indoors and outdoors. Because of all the substances in the atmosphere in addition to the different atmospheric changes, it is very difficult to control the amount of UV a person is exposed to while they are out in the sun. A tanning bed gives people the option to still get a nice tan without worrying about how any negative effects of sunlight.
How Long Does It Take to Get a Good Tan?
Some people are able to tan very easily and always appear to have a beautiful skin tone and complexion. But the effectiveness of a tanning bed and how long it will take to get a good tan will be determined by a couple of different factors. To begin with people have different types of skin pigment and some people will naturally tan faster and easier than other people will. People who have light hair and eyes often have a harder time getting a good tan than people who have darker skin and eyes. Since the sun can be more harmful to lighter skin it is always advisable to have a good base tan before sunbathing outside. This is one reason why many people chose to go to tanning salons. Most people can get a nice base tan in two or three tanning sessions at a salon. This is a good option for people coming off a long winter or a period of being less active outdoors who want to get some color before they hit the beach.
Space Out Sessions For Best Results
How often a person lays underneath the tanning bed lamps will be determined by how skin type but most people are advised to wait at least 48 hours between sessions in order to get the best results. Many people will go three times a week until they have a nice base tan.