Structurally Sound: A Guide To Laminated Columns

by | May 23, 2018 | Contratctor

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Construction is a difficult process, and finding the proper equipment such as tools, lumber, and/or masonry, can be the most time consuming and costly part of preparing for your build. Columns, in particular, are a fundamental part of construction, as they are the backbone of the building and a key part of its foundation. Naturally, making sure these columns are as structurally sound as possible is vital, and one secure option available to you are mechanically-laminated columns.

Mechanically-laminated columns come in two industry-standard formats, despite the many ways to properly laminate them: mechanically fastened columns, and glue laminated columns. Mechanically-laminated columns, known as mechlam, use nails, screws, bolts, and/or steel plating to reinforce the columns, while glue laminated columns, known as glulam, use either glue or a glue-like adhesive to reinforce columns. Both types of columns are best made with sturdy, dry woods, dry wood meaning that the wood has been either air-dried or dried in a kiln to lower its moisture content for better stability.

When searching for a company that produces laminated woods, it’s best to search for the following qualities:

  • columns made with softwoods (the link provided lists several of the most popular softwoods used)
  • columns that use wood that has been either air-dried or kiln-dried
  • manufacturers that allow for custom jobs, in case your project requires column sizes that are not of the industry standard

Depending on the type of project, you may have other criteria to look for, but these three mentioned above should provide you with a basis for finding the proper columns for your build, whether your project is a home-DIY for your backyard, or a large, professional construction such as a house, building, or barn. With laminated columns, you can assure that your build will be a sturdy, long-lasting structure with proper amounts of support, with little worry about future decomposition of the columns’ integrity.

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