Services You Expect to Receive from a Hinsdale Foot and Ankle Specialist

by | Feb 24, 2023 | Podiatrists

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Foot and ankle specialists are professionals who understand the detailed intricacies, workings, and nuances of how feet and ankles present themselves. They also know how they function, how they can cause pain or disability, where that pain and disability comes from, and how to treat it.

When you visit a Hinsdale foot and ankle specialist, here are some issues they help with.

Ankle Sprains

These injuries happen when you oddly twist, roll, or turn your ankle. The ligaments supporting the ankle stretch above their limits and tear. Some symptoms include pain, swelling, restricted range of motion, occasional bruising, and feeling or hearing a pop when the injury happens.

Achilles Tendonitis and Raptures

This happens when the Achilles tendon inflames or raptures. This tendon connects the muscles at the back of the calf to the heel bone. The injury occurs mainly during sports activities when the tendon overstretches.

Ankle Instability

This happens when the outer ankle part is weak and gives out when running, walking, standing, or other activities that exert weight on the ankle.

Arthritic Foot and Ankle

Arthritis happens when the cartilage between two bones degenerates, making the bones rub against each other. Symptoms include stiffness, pain, tenderness, swelling, and reduced range of motion.


This happens when the joint at the base of your big toe (metatarsophalangeal) enlarges due to the big toe’s tissue or bone moving out of place.

Crush Injuries

These are serious injuries that can be difficult to manage. They mainly involve the bony structures and soft tissue.

Athlete’s Foot Infections

This skin disease results from fungi that mainly occur between the toes.

Corns And Calluses

These thick and hardened skin layers appear when the skin attempts to protect itself from pressure and friction. The specialists also deal with flat feet, custom ankle braces, diabetic foot infections, fungal toenails, heel and arch pain, hammertoes, and heel spurs.

Contact Mitchell Foot and Ankle to talk to a well-rated Hinsdale foot and ankle specialist. Visit for more information!

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