If you’re locked out of your home or car, you wouldn’t hesitate to call a locksmith. Locksmiths Orange County provide these and other residential locksmith services in Orange County. If you get locked out of your house or vehicle, calling a locksmith can be much less expensive in the long run than breaking a window to get back inside.
Locksmiths perform other residential services, too, like making duplicate copies of keys. If you’ve lost all your keys for a particular lock, the locksmith can even re-key the lock and make you new keys for it. This is a good idea if you’ve moved into a home that someone else previously lived in, since you don’t know who out there may have a key to your house; re-keying the locks, if they’re of good quality, can be less costly than installing new locks. However, if you do need new locks, a locksmith is a good source to ask about improving your basic home security if you want to update your window locks or deadbolts.
Besides getting you back into your car if you’ve locked yourself out, locksmiths can create duplicate car keys, too. Some people like to have an extra set for a second driver, or a spare key to keep to hand to a mechanic. Locksmiths can also work on special high-security keys that come with new cars, and work on remotes.
If you have a home safe, a locksmith can help you open that, too. Locksmiths are trained and licensed, and they won’t just allow anyone access to your home, your car, or your home safe without requesting an ID. Likewise, if you are calling different locksmiths Orange County for estimates, don’t be afraid to ask for an ID when they arrive, along with a business card. The name on the card and license should match, and the state and expiration date on the license should be valid. Ask if the locksmith is both insured and bonded.
Commercial services locksmiths perform for commercial and industrial businesses include installing and repairing door alarms, hydraulic doors, security locks, safes, entry locks requiring digital codes, cylinder locks, power doors, and key systems with master keys.