Senior Companion Services: When Mom Needs Just a Little Help

by | Oct 22, 2019 | General

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People love their homes, their neighborhoods, the friends that they’ve made over a lifetime. Why would they want to leave when they don’t need to? What if there was a way to keep seniors’ independence, but still have the help that they need? There is, and it’s called “companion care.” Senior companion services can help keep Mom and Dad at home, happy, safe, and comfortable while giving “the kids” peace of mind even if they’re far away from the old neighborhood.

What Is Companion Care?

Companion care is more than just a friendly face; it’s a way for seniors who are otherwise independent and fairly healthy to stay in their homes. Companions are friendly and compassionate and offer more than just companionship and emotional support. Companions can also provide a range of non-medical services to seniors that help to improve their lives in many ways.

  • Help with grocery shopping and errands
  • Getting to and from doctors’ appointments
  • Help with household chores and cooking
  • Information and resources to help resolve problems
  • An extra pair of boots on the ground to scope out problems before they can get out of hand
  • Coordination with other aspects of care such as communicating with doctors and skilled home care nurses, or keeping family members abreast of their loved one’s condition

Is It for You o Or for Mom and Dad?

If you are thinking about senior companion services for yourself or a loved one, get in touch with Business name. We service the northern Beltway area, including Washington DC, Bethesda, MD, and other Maryland cities. Our experienced and caring staff make a difference and can help to keep seniors in the home and neighborhood they love. Get in touch with us today and find out about a range of home care options for you or your loved ones.

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