It is frustrating to deal with a lemon car. You spent a lot of time saving money to purchase a new vehicle. You did your research on various makes and models. You thought you did a great job of test driving the vehicle. After putting all this work into getting your new car, you have only dealt with frustration since buying it.
It is important to know that there are laws in place to protect people who have bought a lemon vehicle. If you suspect that your vehicle is a lemon, you should get in contact with a Florida Lemon Law attorney. This will help you know if you are truly dealing with a lemon and what steps you should take next.
There are certain qualifications a car must meet to be considered a lemon. There are both federal and state Lemon Laws. Your Florida Lemon Law attorney will listen closely to all the heartaches you have gone through after purchasing your vehicle. If the dealer has not been able to repair it after several attempts, you may have a case.
When you contact the attorney, you should be prepared to provide a lot of paperwork. You need to keep good records. Your records should include receipts and work orders for repairs that have been done. The records should include correspondence you have had with car dealers and automakers. You should try to create a timeline of events as well.
Learn how Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center® provides effective and affordable legal representation to victims of defective cars and trucks by visiting their website.