Roof Coating in Tuscon Prevents Water Damage and Lowers Energy Bills

by | Nov 4, 2014 | Roofing

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Tuscon, Arizona is known for its stunning landscape and beautiful structures. Many of its homes and businesses have flat roofs. This give region’s neighborhoods a unique architectural appearance. Roofing contractors in the area have to know the proper way to install and maintain these roofs. Instead of using metal or tile shingles, these roofs rely on Roof Coating Tucson. Roofing contractors paint on a thick coating of material that waterproofs the roof and reflects the light. Because of the hot southern Arizona temperatures, the proper roof coating is necessary to reduce energy bills.

Roof Coating Tucson comes in three basic colors: white, tan or gray. It’s not surprising that white roof coating reflects the most sun. Homeowners can expect it to reflect 95 percent of the sun’s rays and to last about four years. Tan roof coating lasts the same amount of time as the white, but only reflects about 65 percent of the sun’s rays. Gray is the least reflective of the roof coating materials however it is the most long lasting. It reflects 60 percent of the sun’s rays, but will last up to seven years.

Personal taste can determine which Roof Coating Tucson color a homeowner chooses. However, their neighborhood association can also determine which roofing product they use. Homeowner agreements are often carefully crafted to ensure consistent design standards. This protects property values and prevents anyone from constructing a home that doesn’t not reflect these community standards. Therefore the homeowner should check with the homeowner’s association to determine what they require. Failure to use the correct materials can result in hefty fines.

Home design can also play an important role in which roof coating material should be used. If a home is well-insulated in the attic area, then it may not be necessary to use the most reflective roof coating. The insulation will absorb the excess heat. The contractor should also note the type and number of drains, skylights and vents that are on the roof. These also have to be resealed to prevent leaks. A roofing contractor such as Ralph Hays Roofing Tuscon can asses the design elements and help the homeowner select the best materials for their roof. Visit the website for more information.


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