Many people consider rats pests while others consider them pets. The truth is that rats can be both. The pest part is especially true in NYC. Rodent Control in NYC is a tough job. It is said that there are as many rats as people in the Big Apple. There are several reasons why wild rats are considered pets and those reasons affect your life and home.
Home Destruction
Rats will chew anything. They chew wood and material to use for nests and beds. They are always making their homes bigger by destroying your home. Those sharp teeth can chew through thick wood, electric wires, insulation, and furniture material. Nothing is safe in your home.
Big Bodies, Small Spaces
Rats are contortionists. You might think your home is safe because there aren’t any holes big enough for big rat to fit through. You’re wrong, though, because rat heads are small even though the bodies are large. As long as a rat can fit its head through a hole then it can fit the whole body.
Tiny Heads, Big Brains
Rats have tiny heads to fit in small spaces, but those heads have smart brains. Rats are one of the smartest animals on Earth and is why they are used for science. Rats can open locked cages, smell landmines, learn to come when called by name, and maneuver through intricate mazes. Your home defenses are nothing to a rat.
Lots of Babies
Female rats can have up to 12 babies in one litter. Those babies can make their own babies after just a few weeks. Do the math and you will realize that two rats in your home will quickly become 2 dozen. Rats are like breeding factories and once they find a nice home to settle down in they won’t feel the need to reproduce anywhere else.
Disease Carriers
One reason why so many people hate rats is because they believe rats caused the Bubonic Plague. While it’s true that rats carried the disease, other causes helped it spread rapidly. Domestic rats won’t make you sick, but lots of wild rats in your home might. Most rat diseases are spread by contact with rat waste or through scratches and bites. You can get sick from handling dead rats.
For more information on Rodent Control in NYC, check out Rudy’s Exterminating Company Inc.