A Car Accident Attorney in Freeport offers help to accident victims whose rights have been violated and require legal representation. An attorney in this field advocates the rights of these individuals and affords them the opportunity to speak publicly about the events ultimately caused their injuries. These victims share their story in regard to the impact that these injuries have made on their lives and well-being.
Understanding Victim’s Rights
Any Car Accident Attorney in Freeport can tell that a failure to pay medical costs and compensate an accident victim when you are at fault is a violation of victim’s rights. It is unlawful and opens the door to legal repercussions. These actionable claims may lead to hefty monetary awards for the victim if they are handled effectively by a lawyer who practices within this field. The first step in this process is to hire a personal injury lawyer to review the evidence that supports this claim.
Monetary awards range in value based on the cost of medical treatment for the injury, lost wages, and auto repair costs. Some judges may increase this value to include compensation for pain and suffering. In cases, where mental anguish is established in addition to a physical injury or the injury, itself is permanent; this value could significantly increase. The value is established by the judge additionally based on projected settlement offers present to the victim by the opposition.
Personal Injury Attorneys
Stern and Stern Law Firm provides legal counsel for accident victims. These attorneys enable victims to acquire their day in court to present facts related to the manner in which they sustained these injuries. They comprehend the needs of the victim and accommodate these needs by constructing a solid personal injury case.
Your selected Car Accident Attorney in Freeport offers legal representation that will empower you to demand compensation for your injuries through a court of law. These proceedings allow you an open opportunity to present these facts to the judge for further evaluation. The litigation process is beneficial to anyone who was injured due to no fault of their own and were wrongfully denied benefits through an insurance company or their employer.