Protect Your Rights with the Help of Drunk DUI Driving Accident Attorneys

by | Jan 5, 2017 | Lawyer

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Operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated obviously demonstrates poor judgment, which also happens to be a criminal offense. Determining whether or not a driver is intoxicated can sometimes be difficult when a car is pulled over to the side of the road. In most cases, officers don’t make traffic stops unless they feel there is a need to do so. When drivers are pulled over, one question that often surfaces is “Should I admit to drinking if the police officer asks?”

Drunk DUI driving accident attorneys will be the first to point out that all citizens are protected by the Fifth Amendment, which provides protection from self-incrimination. Therefore, not admitting to anything is most likely the best option. It is also a good idea at that time to ask for an attorney. Keep in mind, in some states, if there is no admission of drinking by the person being questioned, and the officer’s judgment calls for a sobriety test, one may be administered on the spot without an attorney present. If the results do not indicate that the blood alcohol contents are at a level of drunk driving, then no drunk driving arrest can occur. Should the sobriety test prove otherwise, the driver will be arrested and allowed to contact an attorney once processed at the local jail.

Another option at a DUI stop is to be truthful if you have only had one or two drinks. The officer will most likely want to know how long ago the last one was and how much time elapsed between each consumed alcoholic beverage. If this happens, the driver will almost assuredly be required to take a field sobriety and blood alcohol test. If your levels are below the DUI level, then the officer will probably send you on your way. If not, you may need to get in touch with the drunk DUI driving accident attorneys so they can represent you through this ordeal.

The worst thing a driver who has been pulled for possible DUI can do is lie. If it is proven that you have had more than the legal amount when you stated you didn’t, you will be arrested and lose all credibility with the courts. In the cases where you know you have had more than the legal limit allowed before driving a motor vehicle, it is best to just remain silent .

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