Prepare your Credit for Review by Mortgage Lenders in Easton, PA

by | Mar 6, 2014 | Financial Services

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Home-ownership is a dream many people share. However, the unfortunate reality is that it takes a lot more than a hope and a wish to own your own home. Instead, it takes a significant amount of effort on your part. No where is this effort more important than when speaking about your credit. The credit score of the applicant is one of the first things all Mortgage Lenders in Easton, PA will look at, in order to determine loan eligibility. Ensuring that your credit is in good shape should be step number one.

It’s Important to get your Own Copy
First and foremost, any person even considering the idea of getting a mortgage needs to obtain a copy of their own credit report. It is important that you have the opportunity to review the information that all of your potential lenders will be looking at, beforehand. When looking over your report be on the lookout for any discrepancies as well as any areas in which you need to improve.

Lower the Amounts of Debts you Owe
Prior to the time that you begin shopping for a new home loan, you want to ensure that you are minimizing your debts. The amount of debt you owe will have a significant impact on your application. This figure will help to establish how much money you can borrow and most importantly, if you are even approved for the loan or not. If your debt load is thought to be higher than what your income can support, you will likely be unable to accomplish your dream of owning a home, so keep your debts as low as possible.

Pay all of your Bills on Time
It is also important that you make certain that all of your financial obligations are met as agreed. Making even a single late payment can have a significant impact on your overall credit rating. Even if these missed payments don’t necessarily cause you to be disqualified for the loan, they will certainly cause Mortgage Lenders in Easton, PA to have to offer you a loan at a higher interest rate. Never set-up a payment commitment that you know you will be unable to maintain.

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