If you’ve been hurt on the job, you may be surprised to find out that obtaining workers’ compensation benefits could be harder than you think. This is because many insurance companies don’t want to pay up if they can avoid doing so. When the going gets tough with your claim for NYS Workers Comp in Rochester NY, here are three reasons why it wise to hire an experienced attorney:
IME Physicians
Unfortunately, obtaining benefits may not be as easy as visiting your regular doctor to get a favorable medical opinion. Many insurance companies will ask that you see an independent medical expert of their choice, and your case could be dismissed if you don’t comply. Because insurance companies would rather not pay benefits if they can help it, these physicians don’t always take the time to fully examine the patient before siding with the insurance company. When you have an experienced attorney to help you through the process, they’ll be able to cross-examine the IME physician in order to cast doubt on their
Previous Injury
Your claim could become much more complicated if you have suffered a previous injury in the same bodily location as the new injury or if you already had an underlying condition that made your injury more likely to occur. The insurance companies involved in your case (including your employer’s insurance and your private medical insurance) may seek to shift the financial responsibility for your injury, and this can be especially troublesome if you need surgery now. Your lawyer may be able to help you strike a deal that allows you to get the medical attention you need now and worry about dealing with the insurance legalities later.
Many claimants are unaware that voluntarily leaving your job may result in workers’ compensation benefits being cut off. Unfortunately, you may no longer be able to work due to your injury or illness. For those in this situation, a good attorney may be able to show that your retirement was involuntary so that you will continue to receive benefits on a regular basis.
Seeking an attorney who specializes in NYS Workers Comp in Rochester NY is the best thing you can do when your case throws you a curve ball. This way, you can be sure that you’ll have a competent and compassionate partner who is working hard to get you the money you need to live a happy, healthy life. Visit Website for more details!