Mechanical Beer Carbonation Systems: Types

by | May 27, 2016 | Brewery Equipment

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If you brew beer, you know that it always contains a certain amount of natural carbonization. This occurs during the brewing process. However, for centuries, brewers have increased the level of carbonization using artificial means a mechanical beer carbonation system. These systems are available in different types to address the current and future needs of a brewery.

Beer Carbonation

Carbonation is what gives any type of beverage that bubbly and refreshing taste. Carbonated drinks “pop” in your mouth. In beer, they introduce and provide what brewers and hearty drinkers call “mouth feel.” In order to promote the right level of carbonation in beer, a brewer must make certain the exact amount of carbonation is added at the right time. Too much and the beer becomes too effervescent – not a desirable quality in beer. If too little is added, the beer will taste and be “flat.”

Basic Beer Carbonation Systems

When it comes time to adding carbonation to beer, you have the choice between two basic systems. A beer carbonator will introduce carbon dioxide (or nitrogen, it depends upon the desirable carbonation) in one of two basic ways. These are through a brite tank or inline.

 * Brite Tank: This method requires the employment of vats or tanks in addition to metal rods (carbonated stones). While effective at introducing carbonation it is not known for either consistency. Quality control is always an issue. Although capable of mass-producing carbonated beer, it is not favored for producing effectively carbonated consistent brews. Many companies still utilize variations of this system due to its low cost.

 * Inline Beer Carbonator: An inline beer carbonator is one means through which technology has improved the ability for brewers to introduce consistently high quality and precise carbonation into their brews. This accurate injection system can effectively provide every beer with the exact amount of CO2 at the right time -every time. The margin for error is greatly reduced though employing such a beer carbonation system.

A newer method for nitrogenation or carbonation is currently becoming used in the industry. This is the centrifugal separation system. It is constructed in such a manner as to allow the process to occur within the centrifuge itself. This can prove to be beneficial in several ways. It results in savings in a number of areas including space and energy. Furthermore, it promotes the ability to have tighter controls over the process of either carbonation or nitrogenation.

Beer Carbonation System: The Choice Is Yours to Make

If your interest lies in providing your customers with the finest product possible, you have to consider all aspects of your production methods. You need to look at not only what equipment you plan to use, but also what it produces. When it comes to the right and consistent levels of carbonation injection, you need to decide whether a traditional inline or centrifuge beer carbonation system will prove to be more effective.

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