There’s a perfectly good reason why college professors have their students write so many research papers. The professors want to know the student doesn’t just memorize the material they’re given in class. College professors want students to have the skills to take an idea or piece of information and go the extra mile with it. When the student turns in their research paper, it should be written in such a way that it’s both factual, and has Chicago Works cited which proves to the professor that the student turned to resources not covered in class to learn even more about the subject. The paper should also be ripe with the students own ideas and observations.
There had been a time when college students could get away with ignoring some of the sources they used in their research paper, especially when they had used a little known source as one of their references. A t the time professors didn’t have an easy way of making sure the student was turning in original work, or to make sure all resources had been properly Chicago Works cited. The internet changed things. Now it takes very little effort for the professor to enter the information from a student’s research paper into the computer and make sure it’s original. Any signs that any of the words aren’t the students, and which were not properly Chicago Works cited means the student will be in very big trouble.
Making sure all resources have been properly cited can be demanding, however, considering what’s at stake, students shouldn’t ever even consider cutting corners. Colleges and future employers place a premium on intellectual honesty. Not making sure all resources have been properly Chicago Works cited can have a huge and negative impact on the student’s future. A student should never feel so busy, so rushed, they don’t take the time to make sure they’ve cited all of the sources they’ve used, and put together a complete bibliography.
Since the average college student often has multiple term papers they need to write over the course of a given week, they should take advantage of every little thing they can find that will make their life a bit simpler. For example, using a bibliography builder and format generator for works cited, can take a load off students shoulders. The bibliography builders provide students with an easy and automatic method for creating citing their sources. After using the program the student will experience a sense of confidence as the submit their paper and won’t have to worry they used the wrong bibliography format for their resources which could impact their grade. The bibliography builder reduces the amount of time the student would have spent citing their resources, making it possible for them to tackle another school project or get some much needed rest.
Workscited4u at has created a free system that makes creating Chicago works cited a piece of cake. The program was created by college students who understand the important of properly cited papers.