Lightning Protection System: Preventing Electrical Damage

by | Aug 17, 2022 | Business

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Protection against lightning comes in many forms. For homes worried about lightning strikes, a lightning rod used to suffice. In today’s electronic world, the worry of potential damage extends beyond fire and to the harm caused to electronic equipment. As a result, the lightning protection system includes a surge protector.

Why a Surge/Spike Protector?

Every day, your electronic devices and systems are inundated with small, transient – and frequently harmless, spikes and larger, damaging surges. The possibility of a lightning strike making its way to your system increases concerns. A properly installed surge protector or arrestor will act as an effective and efficient lightning protection system.

While lightning protective systems – such as surge protectors, do not prevent lightning, they do prohibit it from causing damage or catastrophic failure to your electronic system. The better surge protectors deter the energy released from the lightning bolt away from the system sometimes being destroyed upon absorbing the energy. This self-destructive action is a deliberate construct of the system and is intended to prevent damage from any form of electrical invasion, including lightning.

Installing a Surge/Spike Protector Against Lightning

Industries, businesses and homes contain a wide array of electronic devices. In many industries and institutions such as hospitals, these are essential for the continued operation of the facility. If lightning strikes, it is capable of destroying the most basic functions of electronic systems. The results can be catastrophic. Fortunately, the installation of a lightning protection system can decrease the occurrence of a lightning-induced electronic meltdown.

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