Landscaping Design and Irrigation Issues in Tulsa, Oklahoma

by | Feb 28, 2014 | Landscaping

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If you’re considering a landscaping design at your home, you’re probably thinking about well manicured beds of flowers that add color and beauty to your property. You’ll think about outdoor living spaces, lighting, water features and the list goes on and on. However, in order to make all of these things a reality and in order to make them useful, your landscaping design is going to have to include irrigation. Whether you’re looking for a backyard grotto or you’re looking to have a simple yet aesthetically pleasing front yard landscaping design, water will need to be moved away from the landscaping effectively.

There are many problems that your landscaping design can run into if you don’t have proper irrigation. One of the most dangerous things that can happen if water isn’t moved away from your home is that the water, over time can seep into the soil surrounding the foundation of your home. This can cause the foundation to shift or it can cause the foundation to crumble as it erodes the soil that is supporting the foundation. This can lead to extensive repairs and in more extreme situations, it can also lead to your home becoming structurally unsafe to occupy.

Proper Irrigation in Tulsa starts at the initial planning stages. Before deciding on what features are going to go into your landscaping, it’s important for the landscaping company to design proper irrigation features. Often times, this will include various slopes and grades to help the water move away from the home rather than funneling back in to the property surrounding the home. This can be done through specific drains as well, if it’s not feasible to introduce various undulating grades.

It’s very easy to ignore irrigation in Tulsa when it comes to landscaping design. It’s very common for people to get caught up in a beautiful and pristine landscaping design that they forget about the consequences of excessive rainwater and where that water needs to go. Some landscaping designs can make your landscaping a muddy mess after a heavy rainstorm. However, with the right planning, your landscaping can be fashioned in such a way that it helps move water away from your home, keeps your landscaping as dry as possible and helps avoid the damage that excessive moisture can cause your home.

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